
Showing posts from February, 2025

Production blog: We reach towards the end! This was fun!

 This project has reached its end. The next blog that will be published is the movie. You have gone through this process with me. So let me lead you to its end. I hope you are excited to see the movie me and my partners made. It was a greatly enjoyed project. Although I went through many mirrors doing the mirror shattering scene. Slight side eye there, with how that went. Thank the lord I did not end up getting hurt. Anyways on that fact, there was some discussion. My partners and I did discuss maybe changing the end scene. Well you’ll have to see for yourself when you watch the movie. There were so many goofy moments that my group and I did. So I hope you had a good laugh out of it. The editing will definitely make so many jokes. To of course add more time. Me and my partners talked about some type of opening sequence. I hope you all enjoy that part as well. I had to play so many scenes for it as Lucky. Staying in character is hard work, my partners say I’m good at playing the cha...

Production Blog: The Survivors always miss the others!

YOOOOOOO, me and my partners met up. And it went really well. Though me and my partners went a little overtime. Also may have gotten slightly gone off topic. However most of the scenes are done. With only really the ending scenes and the beginning scenes. The beginning scene is a solo scene for me so I’ll just have to self record. The ending scene will likely be me and Mac meeting up for the final recording. I don’t know how much time was deed from the clips recorded today. After all, I’m not the person that adds all the clips up. I’m more of the person that makes the goofy sounds and edits. Instead Jaydon will focus on the clips with Mac’s help. While I’ll continue working on the sound edits to help with the movie. It’s was great to have everyone in the same room talking again. Just bouncing ideas off each other. Making it easier to choose what scenes should be added. Plus what edits needed to be done. There were a few edits made to the script based on stuff seen in the Storyboard as ...

Production Blog: BOLAS! BOLAS! Plague Mask!

 It’s crazy how a plague had to happen for society to develop to a degree. Anyways following that statement crazy things going down. So my group and I have discussed meeting up soon. All together again, to finish the last few scenes. This time meeting up at one of my partners houses. It’s going to be so much fun. Let’s push that thought away for a sec. So my partners are amazing, with me just giving details on their personality. So now there’s a website for our film Knock on Wood. There’s been a lot going on in America with a lot of websites and apps being taken down. So there was some trouble with editing as well since an app named CapCut was taken down. It was only for a short moment but if you deleted it you can’t get it back. Good thing I, didn’t it makes it better for me and Jaydon. Helps with coordinating our editing and working together. Though I’ve also been watching a few YouTube videos to help me with the editing as well. While finding sound audios that fit the goofy scen...

Production Blog: Ramon and Richarlyson. A Dynamic Duo?

 Editing ohhhh editing. So remember how I said what my partners and I recorded was only 1.30. Welp there’s so much more to be done. I kind of feel bad that it may be crammed to the end. Whatever, so editing the scenes that’s what I was going at. So there are a lot of goofy scenes that appear throughout just the moments. I have so many ideas for these scenes from game sounds. I end up hitting something and just standing there touching my head from the fall. What does that remind me off Sonic losing his rings when he bounces into something. Bang edited in. Or I end up stubbing my toe but when I stub it I make a yahoo sound. Guess I’m now Mario. There’s so many other goofy scenes and I can just think. What more can me and my group do with this? Just to make it so much more funnier and goofier to bring a smile to your faces. This was such a great experience. I can’t wait for the next recording day too add more funny ideas. I have so much more funny ideas I was to add in, later on. Sinc...

Production Blog: Tubbo joined the group!?! Our little Queen Sunny!

 I’m happy filming is going so well. So far my group and I have done the scenes in the mall. Especially with Lucky and Charmie where bad luck ensues. There’s also Charmie second guessing themselves on if Lucky has bad luck or not. There’s just so much bad luck with Lucky going on. Then there’s Lucky’s goofy personality. Which could just be a coping mechanism for what they have went through the past few years. A happy to go girl ready for the day her curse ends. She’s such a sweet girl and I enjoyed how my group and I built the character. But I am definitely the one that pushed for this pitch before. Mac is definitely a great help for the scenes. And a great actor for Charmie as the personality was based off her. Then Jaydon was helpful with his recording as well. As he runs most of the stuff going on behind the scenes. Anyways so overall my group and I are recording. And there’s just so many goofy things to do. Which was fully to follow the fact that the movie is a comedy. Though o...

Production Blog: Little Singer Tallulah! Join DeathDuo family!

 Yippeee, I finally finished finding the music. So, I went on a few royalties' free music websites. Of course, my group and I don't want the movie to be copywrite. Me and my partners agreed that lighthearted music or hype music would be best. Then it was my team to narrow the songs down to 3. That means going through like 40 songs and only choosing 3. UGGHHHHH it was so stressful. I wanted the best song to fit our two characters. With Lucky's uplifting attitude and then Charmie's sarcastic unbelieving self. Gosh I love these characters. Going off their personalities made it slightly easier but truly on narrowed it to 20 or so songs. Ending up with 3 songs overall would definitely be difficult. So, I looked more into the script seeing how each scene would play out. There would have to be moments to add the music. If there weren't moments to add the music, then it would have to overlap with scenes. Thats the issue if it ended up overlapping with scenes it would have t...

Production Blog: Living in the present. Little goddess!

 I am back from Georgia. I also visited Mississippi, while I was there. Anyways, so far, my group and I have discussed all the roles. Recently I went to the store to get the props necessary for the movie. Since our movie contributes to bad luck, my group and I had to search up different types of bad luck of course. The bad luck decided on was breaking a mirror. So, break a mirror, except you can't really redo this scene multiple times. This is a solo scene for me, meaning that I'm the only person acting in the scene when the mirror breaks. So, I can only really do this scene once, unless I buy multiple of the same mirror. Which I decided to do, this helps with editing and even if the mirror doesn't break perfectly the editing can reflect it. Overall, giving guaranteed success hopefully, my group and I will have to see after the movie is completed. This scene will definitely help with adding other angles into our movie, which is great. Afterall, it's difficult to add mul...

Production Blog: Swear Dapper needs to see his other dad! SKEEPY!

 This is my blog before I leave Georgia. I'm coming back to Florida. I know my group has been working on the website and the card. Lately I've been looking into the music. I had to go back in my partners and mine old, shared messages to find the free website. I never did get to sending emails to the singer I was hoping to get the song from. I believe it was APT. from the company that Bruno Mars worked with to make it. I just ended up forgetting to email and now it has been far to long. Though going for a slower paced lighthearted song will be better. I still have to check out more music on this free music website, but otherwise it's going well. I have about 5 song ideas, but no spoilers. I feel they will mash well with the scenes and what's going on in the movie. I also think it does extremely well with the characters personalities. I also got an idea where certain music will play depending on which character is in each scene. Or a different song may play when both are ...