Production Blog: BOLAS! BOLAS! Plague Mask!

 It’s crazy how a plague had to happen for society to develop to a degree. Anyways following that statement crazy things going down. So my group and I have discussed meeting up soon. All together again, to finish the last few scenes. This time meeting up at one of my partners houses. It’s going to be so much fun. Let’s push that thought away for a sec. So my partners are amazing, with me just giving details on their personality. So now there’s a website for our film Knock on Wood. There’s been a lot going on in America with a lot of websites and apps being taken down. So there was some trouble with editing as well since an app named CapCut was taken down. It was only for a short moment but if you deleted it you can’t get it back. Good thing I, didn’t it makes it better for me and Jaydon. Helps with coordinating our editing and working together. Though I’ve also been watching a few YouTube videos to help me with the editing as well. While finding sound audios that fit the goofy scenes. Which I talked about in the last blog, for what I hope to do. Getting the sound audios without triggering YouTube’s copywrite will definitely be hard. There’s also the issue that the sound needs to fit perfect for the scene. Now over playing and not under playing. Making the sound seem to fit perfectly for the moment. Hopefully it all ends up well in the end, my group and I would towards this outcome.


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