Production Blog: Living in the present. Little goddess!

 I am back from Georgia. I also visited Mississippi, while I was there. Anyways, so far, my group and I have discussed all the roles. Recently I went to the store to get the props necessary for the movie. Since our movie contributes to bad luck, my group and I had to search up different types of bad luck of course. The bad luck decided on was breaking a mirror. So, break a mirror, except you can't really redo this scene multiple times. This is a solo scene for me, meaning that I'm the only person acting in the scene when the mirror breaks. So, I can only really do this scene once, unless I buy multiple of the same mirror. Which I decided to do, this helps with editing and even if the mirror doesn't break perfectly the editing can reflect it. Overall, giving guaranteed success hopefully, my group and I will have to see after the movie is completed. This scene will definitely help with adding other angles into our movie, which is great. Afterall, it's difficult to add multiple angles when really a singular thing is going on. After getting the props everything has been going smoothly, the group and I have been doing well. The meeting up for the bigger scenes keep getting slightly delayed. Otherwise, there's been smooth sailing. As each group member focuses on their part in the group, including me. I have to still narrow down the music choices to 3. Which will likely be what the next blog is about. Then the blog after that will probably be on how I will be editing the music to fit the movie. Anyways have an amazing day. 


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