Production Blog: Ramon and Richarlyson. A Dynamic Duo?
Editing ohhhh editing. So remember how I said what my partners and I recorded was only 1.30. Welp there’s so much more to be done. I kind of feel bad that it may be crammed to the end. Whatever, so editing the scenes that’s what I was going at. So there are a lot of goofy scenes that appear throughout just the moments. I have so many ideas for these scenes from game sounds. I end up hitting something and just standing there touching my head from the fall. What does that remind me off Sonic losing his rings when he bounces into something. Bang edited in. Or I end up stubbing my toe but when I stub it I make a yahoo sound. Guess I’m now Mario. There’s so many other goofy scenes and I can just think. What more can me and my group do with this? Just to make it so much more funnier and goofier to bring a smile to your faces. This was such a great experience. I can’t wait for the next recording day too add more funny ideas. I have so much more funny ideas I was to add in, later on. Since of course there is always more scenes to record. This is really just about editing and what non-diegetic sound may be added to the final product. As of course not everything makes the Final Cut. All those bloopers, sigh they won’t make the cut. Editing is a tough process and takes a long time so hopefully this comes out well.
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