
Showing posts from January, 2025

Production Blog: Little baby Boy!! Bobby!

 I go to Georgia and then Mississippi tomorrow. Now our schedule is fully thrown off, as I was supposed to call and talk on the website and card. I feel bad and I'll still have to do schoolwork there but probably won't have enough time to discuss on filming and such. This sucks, anyways I've looked into different locations me and my group can meet up when I'm back in Florida. Hopefully, everything works out and no more issues arrive plus over piling of work. I wish summer would hit already. However, this movie was a fun idea me and my friends came up with. I'm still so excited to get this done. Guess you always have to put as much effort as you can into everything. I have a better idea for the characters personalities. So, I plan to discuss it with my partners however there won't be a lot of editing. This is more future intel for the card and me choosing the music. I was planning on making the music just really upbeat, but I think I may go for something else. Wi...

Production Blog: A New Generation!!

 So, me and my team have been discussing everything that needs to be done for filming. Some problems arose as some of us can't meet after school due to clubs. Also just not having any way to travel. Which mostly limits the group to meeting on weekends for filming or on days off from school. Tricky schedule to deal with right. A big deal since I work on weekends as well. Due to some of us taking the bus even if my group and I could meet up, it would have to be late. Which may just lead to having to edit some scenes. As filming has problems due to daylight savings time makes the sun go down earlier. There's also the fact I do physical therapy since I injured my shoulders at the end of last year. Meaning I miss some school days and discussions. Which messes with school's work making it take longer for me to get together with them. However, my team and I have been discussing where each scene should specifically take place and look like. So hopefully at our next meeting. all of ...

Storyboard Blog: Does the End Exist?

 The storyboard for the mini-movie was finished, so here are the rough plans. (Note: the two main characters are in bright colors to make them pop out from the background, aka the main characters aren't actually yellow and blue)  Scene one is of the main character, Lucky, getting the bad luck that sets the story into motion. It is meant to set up her character, she freaks out at both the cat and the breaking of the mirror, two very common signs of bad luck, showing how supersitius she is already.  The second scene shows Lucky telling the other main character, Charmie, about the 7 years of bad luck for the mirror after Charmie mades a side comment about her being unlucky after Lucky burns popcorn. Charmie doesn't actually believe doing things or saying words will cause bad luck, and so this is the primary conflict. The next scene is just show what exactly her bad luck is, as well has showing it to Charmie, the bad luck presents itself has being mild annoyances, such as kee...

Title Design Blog: The final battle!

 Hello, everyone. Titles are everything especially when making a movie. It's how you recognize one after all. When deciding what Title to choose you have to take many things into consideration. The movie my partners and I are doing is going to be a comedy. So, overall, our movie has to have a funny catchy title that pulls people in. However it has to make sense with the theme of the movie. It’s a movie about one friend not believing the other why they say they have bad luck. And there’s just a ton was bad luck coming at one of them. My group and I discussed a few titles for the movie that are relevant to luck. I also looked at stuff relevant to superstitions. Searching through the internet and translating different words into other languages to find the perfect titles. However, our group wasn’t able to fully settle on one. The best found was “Knock on Wood” that’s the title that will be chosen. That is unless my group decides to on a new title. Or if anything in the script changes ...

Other Info Blog: Plans that you can't see, final battle upcoming

 My teammates and I have open schedules most days. The only issues for me is that I'm not free some Sundays, as I have work this year. I'm doing an internship with which messes with schedules. I also now take college classes in person on Tuesday's and Thursdays, so even if all of us have the day off. I wouldn't be able to film unless early in the day. Although there is a chance one of us may fall ill. This shouldn't be an issue as with the edits skills a person can just be added in. An with extra filming days as I'm not focusing on swimming as much. So, there will be more time to recover a scene. If issues do appear, my teammates and I will discuss what needs to be done. Likely making new arrangements for the movie. So far, our schedules match up. There have been no issues with discussing what needs to be done. All of us hope to record together so everything goes smoothly. Our backup plan is likely to record in pairs and not with all three of us. No, big twists ...

Script Blog: Can this challenge go as planned

 Location: ????? (Main characters home)  *Breaks a mirror* Lucki Location: (Charmie's House) Lucki* knocks on Charmie's door* Charmie Dialogue: Hey, you made it. Lucki Dialogue: Yup *Happy expression* *Charmie moves out the way to let Lucki in* Charmie Dialogue: You want some water  Lucki Dialogue: Su- *Lucki trips and falls* Charmie Dialogue: You ok *worried expression before looking in confusion* Charmie Dialogue: The carpet/couch wasn't there earlier? Location: Outside the mall by a fountain Charmie Dialogue: This was fun Lucki Dialogue: Ya it was, I'm happy nothing bad happened Charmie Dialogue: Today can't get ruined anyways *They sit on a fountain as a kid plays ball near them* Lucki Dialogue: Shouldn't we move from the fountain what if my bad luck hits *Charmie shrugs not believing the bad luck* *The kid kicks the ball near them not hitting them, Charmie goes to pick it up too help the kid* Charmie Dialogue: See nothing bad happened *Charmie turns around ...

Short Film Research Blog: SEE SAW

 Back again, with a new short film experience. More original ideas for me, and more enjoyment for you when my movie comes out. Today's Short Film is SEE SAW. Below I answer some things about the comedy genre overall from the film. A. Mostly natural noises and background noises in this short. Like a phone ringing or dinging from messages. As well as tv or just the main guy talking. There's some upbeat music fills in the silent moments as the character does stuff.  B. The costume is just a basic clothing, at home outfit because throughout the movie he was home. However, in other comedies they may change more often. There's not a lot of make-up at least not prominently, in comedy unless you're trying to dress up as something maybe a monster or such. The lighting really helps show how the main character feels throughout everything happening in the short film. The only props may be the clock and the phone and other items around the house maybe even the car at the end. Which ...

Short Film Research Blog: THE GARDEN OF HEART -

 Today, I shall look over a short film. To make more original ideas for my movie. Today's Short Film is A SZIV KERTJE (The Garden of Heart). Below I answered somethings about the comedy genre overall from the film.  A. Upbeat, and usually speech of some form. As sometimes they crack jokes or make conversation. Sometimes it's more of a blurry noise in the background that is peaceful as people enjoy the jokes being spoking or the stories in the moment. The sound is supposed to give a happy feeling without blocking out the funny aspects going on throughout the movie. B. There isn't a lot of costume as this is an animation. There isn't a lot of make-up or acting as it is an animation. The Lighting show cases the facial movement and expressions of the characters, especially how their feeling in each moment. Which is important in most movies. There aren't really props but for sets, it goes scene by scene in a fluid motion. Each showcasing something that can been seen as f...

Short Film Research Blog: Dotty

 Here is the next short film I watched. This is one's Title is Dotty. Below I have some thoughts from this film that will better my understanding of short film to progress my own. A. When the film isn't focused on the characters, the film uses music which is a cutaway from the silent moment of the characters. Which when paired with another recurring scene, creates comedy. Hearing a strange sound randomly creates a sense of unexpected comedy. B. The actors really fit their roles. In this film, you can genuinely believe that the old lady does not know how to use her phone, which makes it all the funnier (although a bit sad.)  The acting is realistic, which immerses the viewer deeper. Great immersion can make films funnier C. A close-up to a character's surprised face is common and funny.  Cutaways were used to distract the viewer, allowing them to process what happened D. I enjoy that inherently funny comedy can be paired with darker themes to pull your heart in both direct...

Short Film Research Blog: Pennies From Heaven

First time for Short Film Research Blog. Today's Title is Pennies from Heaven. Below I have the analyzation and some details which will help me improve the short film I make in the future. A.  non-diegetic sound in the form of music is used very frequently to express a mood.  Diegetic sound effects to show something happened. B.  They pay great attention to text anywhere, whether it is on a shirt or on a menu for comedic punch.  Outfits fit the environment, and a change of outfit can comedically show when an environment is different. C.  There are subtitles for a language barrier joke.  Many reverse shots to show the reactions of the sisters.  Extreme close up used to emphasize pennies which is used for comedy. D.  I love how the first character interaction we see is a joke, a bid crude, but the unexpectedness made me laugh.  I like the small jokes, that shows a lot of effort went into making it. E.  Naturally the problem with comedy is ...