Short Film Research Blog: THE GARDEN OF HEART -

 Today, I shall look over a short film. To make more original ideas for my movie. Today's Short Film is A SZIV KERTJE (The Garden of Heart). Below I answered somethings about the comedy genre overall from the film. 

A. Upbeat, and usually speech of some form. As sometimes they crack jokes or make conversation. Sometimes it's more of a blurry noise in the background that is peaceful as people enjoy the jokes being spoking or the stories in the moment. The sound is supposed to give a happy feeling without blocking out the funny aspects going on throughout the movie.

B. There isn't a lot of costume as this is an animation. There isn't a lot of make-up or acting as it is an animation. The Lighting show cases the facial movement and expressions of the characters, especially how their feeling in each moment. Which is important in most movies. There aren't really props but for sets, it goes scene by scene in a fluid motion. Each showcasing something that can been seen as funny and the storyline perfectly.

C. There's not a lot of editing, in this movie since it's an animation. However, it does cut in and out of the surroundings while also giving some close ups to the face. A moving closer to whoever is making the joke in the moment or speaking. Cutting between each moment of comedy. 

D. I like the happy feeling of the genre. It makes me laugh and I enjoy that feeling as new things appear and funny moments happen. I like the musical aspects and when you understand the jokes it makes it so better. However, when people misinterpret the jokes, it makes it hilarious as each scene plays out.

E. I dislike when the sound disappears it leaves a need for the quietness to be filled. Luckily in most of this film the man is talking in the background. Except in necessary areas where the film fills the feeling of what is going on in the moment. The film did make me feel sad in a way and I disliked that, as I thought it would make me laugh more.

That's the end of this blog, see you next time.


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