Short Film Research Blog: Dotty

 Here is the next short film I watched. This is one's Title is Dotty. Below I have some thoughts from this film that will better my understanding of short film to progress my own.

A. When the film isn't focused on the characters, the film uses music which is a cutaway from the silent moment of the characters. Which when paired with another recurring scene, creates comedy.
Hearing a strange sound randomly creates a sense of unexpected comedy.

B. The actors really fit their roles. In this film, you can genuinely believe that the old lady does not know how to use her phone, which makes it all the funnier (although a bit sad.) The acting is realistic, which immerses the viewer deeper. Great immersion can make films funnier

C. A close-up to a character's surprised face is common and funny. Cutaways were used to distract the viewer, allowing them to process what happened

D. I enjoy that inherently funny comedy can be paired with darker themes to pull your heart in both directions. I enjoyed the funny reactions of a character, especially when the situation was so simple.

E. I don't like that there is an absence of music, which may make the film a little boring. Though I do understand that quietness is necessary for some comedic effect. I disliked how this film almost made me cry at the end. Comedies should make me laugh.


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