Title Design Blog: The final battle!

 Hello, everyone. Titles are everything especially when making a movie. It's how you recognize one after all. When deciding what Title to choose you have to take many things into consideration. The movie my partners and I are doing is going to be a comedy. So, overall, our movie has to have a funny catchy title that pulls people in. However it has to make sense with the theme of the movie. It’s a movie about one friend not believing the other why they say they have bad luck. And there’s just a ton was bad luck coming at one of them. My group and I discussed a few titles for the movie that are relevant to luck. I also looked at stuff relevant to superstitions. Searching through the internet and translating different words into other languages to find the perfect titles. However, our group wasn’t able to fully settle on one. The best found was “Knock on Wood” that’s the title that will be chosen. That is unless my group decides to on a new title. Or if anything in the script changes that needs to be addressed in the script. So, far the plans are going well, and my group and I still are discussing titles. Also choosing between 3 fonts at the moment. However, leaning towards a more curvy, cursive font. As it will show off the goofy but seriousness of the movie. Although if anything changes I wouldn’t be surprised. Though at least half of everything I have said, I hope stays the same at least. That what my teammates and I are going for at least. Hope you enjoy the rest of your days.


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