Our Pitch: Picking a storyline that can defeat one of the most popular on Youtube?
Pitch A: Character (A) takes the sentence "taking candy from a baby" literally but Character (B) keeps trying to stop them.
Pitch B: Character (B) keeps trying to stop, Character (A) from being overly superstitious.
Pitch C: Character (A) and Character (B) are childhood friends with Character (C), but don't know what to get them for their birthday.
Discuss Pitch A: Ok, let me straight with you. Me and my partners love candy, and so taking that idea. With the literal fact of taking "candy from a baby" just bounced off. Also, my partner thinks it's funny if someone stole candy from a child. Me and my partners also wanted foil characters like some of our friends, so character (B) was added.
Discuss Pitch B: My group and I discussed on how this pitch can be a relatable topic. It also just seemed like a funny concept to think of that could bring either a good or a bad ending overall.
Discuss Pitch C: It's just a little goofy idea me and my group came up with. Thinking that if you know someone so well for years, why wouldn't you know what they want. It allows more than two characters to take place in it and gives a pretty good idea of what the ending should be.
Final Decision: In the end me and my group chose,
Pitch B: Character (B) keeps trying to stop, Character (A) from being overly superstitious.
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