How to make a Short Film Research: Can't the future just wait?

Back in action everyone learning how to make the movie better. While I was researching about HOW to make a short film, the most solid piece of advice was, don't write/plan what you don't have. If you can't voice good audio, try to make it limited audio or no audio. If you don't have the budget, don't do it. Another piece of advice was, working with your crew. This may sound obvious, but it more so means working to the strengths of your crew, the actors and how far they can go, the director and what they are best at etc. Be nice to your crew, often they aren't doing it for money so it's best to be kind and accommodate your crew during set/filming. Making sure that there's no issues before the film is taken is also an important part. This way everything can go as planned. If there are issues the team can work through it and plan around it. All of this has helped how we are going to write out, plan and working with the rest of the people in our group to try to achieve the best short film we can do.


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