Production Blog: Saved at the last second, Iruma runs into Jazz.

 I have reviewed my final task with a friend. They discussed that I needed to work on my sick scene more. Showing off the idea that my skin glistening instead. Meaning most likely sweating from sickness and maybe adding a rag on my forehead. There was also discussion on scene length. Meaning to talk faster without disrupting the scene in that case making it easier. I also discussed with the friend that reviewed about how, sometimes I spoke too loudly. So, she suggested a quieter voice but obviously not to quiet to miss with the music. After me and my partner finished more scenes. Together my partner and I then discussed how each other looked in each scene and how to adjust it. Both reviewing each other's scenes and pointing out some things to work on. I also had some friends review the lighting and how it looked overall. Continuing this idea, some of my friends said the song matched the video and others said it didn't. So, me and my partner will most likely look for a secondary song to see how it works out. There was some difficulty with certain scenes noticed by some other friends. But other than that, everything should be moving on smoothly. Though one friend did point out one of the titles blended into a background. Meaning that most likely will be adjusted to another area. Making sure no more problems occur, after this review the movie opening should be better than ever. Definitely will have to thank my friends for reviewing it and pointing out even the smallest mistakes and thinks which need fixing.


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