Haunted Mansion (2023) movie is probably the perfect in-between I could find of horror and comedy; it was funny but got creepy at certain points. The movie starts with narration and many establishing shots of the setting of the movie, New Orleans. Most of the dialogue are shot in over the shoulder shots or shot reverse shots. The movies partial to long shots, medium close ups, two shots and three shots. Also, there are tracking shots at some points to enhance the humor. Whenever we see out main character, Ben, we often see him at a slight low angle, to show his depression after losing his wife, getting lower than it gets worse. There are slight inserts of flashbacks, of Ben's past. Travis and Gabbie are both wearing clothing you'd expect is more 50's, while Ben's is more modern, Harriet wears things that can only be described as physic and "old-timey" whereas Father Kent wears a butchered priest-father outfit, and finally Bruce is a scientist and as such dres...
Its been few weeks since I published my last blog. I've been working hard to get video production ready. Me and my partner have decided on our positions in this movie opening. My partner shall be doing editing and directing. While I shall write and produce most of the video after all. My scenes take most of the time in the opening. I haven't contacted my friend fully to do the news reporter scene. After I had written the script and my partner has made the storyboard. Together now there's a basic idea of locations and where were recording. Only problems will be meeting due to parents. An events me and my partner may have going on during the weekends. Especially this weekend coming due to a swim meet. After that I have nothing other than normal swimming practice days so me and my partner shall be able to meet. Me and my partner may have to meet 2 to 3 times. For the movie opening to be fully completed as there may be edits being made. Together me and my partner haven't c...
Me and my teammate also discussed our own schedules. As well as our parents schedules. Me and my teammate also discussed meeting points for different scenes. Comparing recording together and not recording together making it easier or harder. There was also discussion of the park, me and my partner need to meet up at for the final scene. How me and my partner would get the titles in each scene. As well as which park it would be for the scene. Due to the fact my partner and I live decently far apart. Making meeting up harder between the two of us. There is still the fact to find a good meet up spot for the last scene. There has also been discussions of changing part of the last scene with the notification. Most likely instead of news it will be a picture of the news. A friend both characters share or just a news article. Me and my partner are still adjusting this idea. The completion of the movie opening will most likely take a few week more. I still have to discuss with my partner ...
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