Haunted Mansion (2023) movie is probably the perfect in-between I could find of horror and comedy; it was funny but got creepy at certain points. The movie starts with narration and many establishing shots of the setting of the movie, New Orleans. Most of the dialogue are shot in over the shoulder shots or shot reverse shots. The movies partial to long shots, medium close ups, two shots and three shots. Also, there are tracking shots at some points to enhance the humor. Whenever we see out main character, Ben, we often see him at a slight low angle, to show his depression after losing his wife, getting lower than it gets worse. There are slight inserts of flashbacks, of Ben's past. Travis and Gabbie are both wearing clothing you'd expect is more 50's, while Ben's is more modern, Harriet wears things that can only be described as physic and "old-timey" whereas Father Kent wears a butchered priest-father outfit, and finally Bruce is a scientist and as such dres...
The movie Scream is really self-aware, so a lot of the "convections" it follows it says in the movies. It has medium close ups, extreme close ups, cross cutting and show reverse shots the most often. Of course, a long shot when the killer is revealed. The shots are usually tracking shots of Ghost face (the killer) causing the angles to be either low angles or Dutch angles (with head tilts). Pan movements are also very common. Scream uses a lot of different shots at least one for scares. Dialogue is exchanged between every character in the movie, there was a motif for every time the Ghost face popped up, ambient sound is common during party and school scenes and there is very little non-diegetic sounds. Ghost face is in a whole black robe with a white mask, while every teenager is in something appropriate for the late 90s. However, the main character, Sidney, is shown to wear a lot more covering stuff then her friend Tatum, as a reference to popular horror movie trope. The mai...
Shot 1: The character playing "god" or G watches characters A, B and C. It would cutaway from G to A, B, C; the whole thing would be at eye level. While it was drawn at full body, the three shot could be a medium long shot. Shot 2: This would be continuing from the three shot of A, B and C meeting a new person, character D to all of them going through some doors. This would be a tracking shot and at eye level. If you wanted you could make this one an over the shoulder shot (or D). Shot 3: G is getting up (from there sit at the end of a tree) to follow the quad. This would to from an eye level angle to a low angle. Other then that, everything stays the same. Shot 4: A jumpcut to inside the building, a mall where G watches (what looks to be) the camera. This is at a low angle, with a tiny zoom. This can be a medium long or medium shot. Shot 5: Long shot of where G is in comparison to A, B, C and D. This is right before either a cut or zoom into the next shot...
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