Production Blog: A survival game against the teachers?!

 Due to some issues with the script there have been some edits. As said before me and my teammate switched roles. So now I have edited the script and how filming shall go. I got sick, and due to this I can't come to school. Leaving a lot of circumstances to my teammate and delaying recording date. After having a conversation me and my teammate have decided how much time each scene should be. It shall be split in 30, 20, 30 and then final scene time stamps most likely. This will give an idea of how the story should flow through filming. Although I'm sick at the moment I've been building ideas on how to do the sick scene. During the filming the lighting has to be proper so it will give a green tint. An me and my partner will most likely drop some hints throughout to. The meeting for filming should not be too difficult as, both me and my partner have similar schedules. Although some problems happened where when me and my partner scheduled meeting in a few weeks I might be out of town. An I'm sick right now so me and my teammate can converse all the time as their in class. Anyways while filming alone, each scenes needs to cut off properly and be filmed properly to make each scene look good. While also most likely adding some voice recordings so each scene properly mash together. Me and my teammate also discussed how the scenes would be at. Also how the me and my teammates should pose in each scene. I also talked with my teammate about adding 2 more shots during the filming of the final scene. To pull more out of the scene and add extra time if needed. After this conversation me and my teammate chose another day to meet it if any circumstances come to rise on the normal meet up date. 


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