Production Blog: Good luck almost takes me out from the beginning, by Mr. Oswell?

Well, for editing there will be many transitions. I can not give a full idea of what it will be like. As my partner has decided to take over that part. I will take care of the music instead, making sure to find it. I will be sharing ideas with my partner for different editing ideas. I have already done one of my scene parts where my character is supposed to be sick. Me and my partner have talked about editing it for the lighting. An changes in the background as well as transitions. For when my partner records their parts of the scene. My partner says their ideas are more Cross Cutting and Shot reverse shot. Me and my partner also talking about different ideas on how the scenes should look. So the scenes will fit in properly together as well as the sound for both scenes. There was also talked about how to make a genre of our story be picked up on better. There was also talk about changing the lighting and what lighting would look better in each scene. There was also talks about the dialogue moving through the scenes even when both people are there. Me and my partner also talked about meeting up this weekend to start finishing other scenes. To edit everything fully properly and get other shots in. To elaborate on the plot and the information which moves through. Making it easier for someone to notice the information. As well as the idea for the rest of the movie. 


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