Production Blog: First attack against Iruma, escaping with his team?

 Me and my teammate also discussed our own schedules. As well as our parents schedules. Me and my teammate also discussed meeting points for different scenes. Comparing recording together and not recording together making it easier or harder. There was also discussion of the park, me and my partner need to meet up at for the final scene. How me and my partner would get the titles in each scene. As well as which park it would be for the scene. Due to the fact my partner and I live decently far apart. Making meeting up harder between the two of us. There is still the fact to find a good meet up spot for the last scene. There has also been discussions of changing part of the last scene with the notification. Most likely instead of news it will be a picture of the news. A friend both characters share or just a news article. Me and my partner are still adjusting this idea. The completion of the movie opening will most likely take a few week more. I still have to discuss with my partner about everything. As they focus on editing mini scenes. An I continue focusing on music, I still need to send out the email to the music creator. Time is going by quickly so I have to pick up on that. I will continue working on this project and hopefully work everything together. 


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