Production Blog: Can Jazz keep up with this level of torture to protect his buddies?

 Due to many circumstances appearing. I believe me and my partner haven't fully discussed a title. Can you believe it, I couldn't. But I guess it made sense. Afterall I was sick for an entire week. Then me and my partner were focusing on not only this class but others. Afterwards me and my partner started discussing music. Not long after that me and my partner did the first recorded scene. Afterwards I get this crazy thing from my family saying, I would be out of town for a weekend. Leaving even less time due to the fact I also have swimming practice every day of the week. Making more trouble with meeting my partner. Thank the Lord, swimming season is over for me although I'll have to work even harder next season. Then I started going to some track practice after swimming taking more time off my schedule. Finally, I'm told, that I'm not going out of town for that weekend. So, me and my partner will most likely still meet up to finish everything. Less stress about editing hopefully as me and my partner will mostly be working together. As I give different ideas and my partner, and I will discuss what fits the movie opening better. Though with sickness going around I can only hope my partner doesn't get sick. And I don't get sick a second time. Or maybe stress will finally grab at me. 


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