Title Research Blog: The final student Purson Soi but he keeps disappearing

 The website I shall be using for the title research is art of the title. This website has multiple opening sequences which can help me understand. How to make my own opening. Although there are other websites out there, specifically this one is made by Chloe Okuno. She shows her favorite title scenes mostly horror due to her favoritism towards that genre. This is useful due to the fact me and my teammates opening is partially horror as well. The website shows how important sound design and setting the tone is. Due to this opening being only about 2 minutes long, this is helpful. Since me and my partner need to give the genre as a who in those few minutes. Since this Chloe woman also directed films, she must have great perception for a good opening. Due to title design being a big part of the project. The project most likely to be horror. Me and my partner would need to look at movies that give the horror idea since the beginning. After looking through, this website can give good ideas. Obviously, no copying but more like inspiration. As the titles are going to be the thing seen the most throughout the video. To make a big impact my teammate and I will need to know. How to properly introduce the storyline from only 2 minutes. The website chosen has all of this and more. Which will be helpful in what I am researching.


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