Our Pitch: How will everything change if they find out I'm human?

 Pitch A: Two friends keep trying to make plans, but everything gets in the way.

 Pitch B: Character (A) takes the sentence "taking candy from a baby" literally but Character (B) keeps trying to stop them. 

Discuss Pitch A: Me and my partner had an idea about two friends. Similar to us when our group did the music video. My group had trouble aligning schedules. So, it took very long for us to finally get the
work going. This idea came off it because almost everything was getting in the way during that project.   

Discuss Pitch B: Ok, let me straight with you. Me and my partner love candy, and so taking that idea. With the literal fact of taking "candy from a baby" just bounced off. Also, my partner thinks it's funny if someone stole candy from a child. Me and my partner also wanted foil characters like some of our friends, so character (B) was added.

Final Decision: In the end me and my partner went with,

Pitch A: Two friends keep trying to make plans, but everything gets in the way.

This is due to the fact that this is the more versatile of the two pitches. Me and my partner realized that there is much more to do with this. Also, our lack of actors specifically child actors for Pitch B.


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