Group Blog: My classmates and fellow students are demons?!?!

  Hello again, buddies! With the Final Task coming up you're probably wondering who I'm working with. I will be working in a duo this time around with Alexandra Soto. I also believe I'll be able to work with her very well. They're my friends and greatly efficient. As well as us being in class together allowing us to work better and faster with the time given. Sharing the same class with them allows quicker understanding as the situations update. Making things move faster and more smoothly due to sharing the same period. I also share contacts with her making it easier for me to understand if something happens. These ways I can bring up new ideas to help lengthen and contribute to the video. This is just starting off and soon ideas will be coming fast. My partner also agreed that it would be a good idea for us to just work in a duo this time. With her directing skills and my acting nothing could go wrong. I'm thinking of a concept for this Final Task. It's going to look spectacular after all.  I think this will be an enjoyable project as I work well with my partner. My last group wasn't bad but the other two switched due to wanting to work with someone else. This is actually very helpful due to the fact one of my last group members schedules didn't really match up with my own. With just Alexandra together it will be easier to meet up and finish this project. I don't know what me and my partner will go for this project just yet. What do you think?


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