Genre Blog: Does my blood have special abilities?

 Comedy defined by the internet: "'make 'em laugh' films designed to elicit laughter from the audience." 

Common camera: angles, movements, and shots: 

I'm going to be honest; you can do almost anything in the comedy genre if it fits a joke. Jumpcut for an ironic scene, shot reverse shot for a facial expression, birds eye view for some spy joke. If you can make a joke out of it, you can use it. 

Common mise-en-scenes:

Comedies tend to have brighter settings and likely take place in more popular settings. Costumes, make up and props can often be exaggerated or completely out of place for a joke. Lighting is exaggerated for a joke unless it's a deadpan to let the audience laugh or be the punchline. Actor's often having to have natural charisma (easy to bring in audience right) or have a gimmick to laugh at them for. 

Common editing techniques:

Like the common camera movements, if it's for a joke, you can use anything. Editing techniques are used a punchline (like a split screen or insert).

Common sound choices:

They most often use non-diegetic sounds, like a laugh track on older movies or shows. There is also music in the background and a motif can be used to indicate a reference to a person/action. Dialogue is the main selling point, unless it's made to be an action-only movie, words and discussions are how the most laughs are made. Voiceovers are used in older movies; modern movies do a more show-don't-tell convection. 

Examples of comedy films:

Batman and robin (1997), Megamind, heathers, Scooby-doo, elf, The Super Mario Bros, The Grinch, Shrek

Personal likes: 

I so-so enjoy how diverse the movies can be. It can be a hidden sad movie, one that deals with social issues in a funny way or one that just... makes you laugh so you can have a good time and hide from the world. Thats my favorite part of this genre and why it's my second favorite genre as a whole.

Personal dislikes: 

I almost hate when they try... too hard to make you laugh. Or use jokes they think will hit with a younger audience expect the movies by an older audience and there are NO young people to tell them they are doing something wrong. Like, try please, it's not funny to you and it's not funny to me, you're bothering everyone at that point. 


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