Research Blog- The moon is truly a reflection

 Research Blog

Name of Song: Lolita by Violent Vira

Cams: high angle, low angle, eye level, close-up, medium long shot, and tilt. 

Editing: Insert, and Cross cutting. Shown in certain areas when showing a scene again, cross cutting shown when she's in two different places. 

Sound: Non-Diegetic

Mis-En-Scene: Costume (Chains and outfit), Set (Jail like area and walls), Makeup (Black streaks from eyes), and Lighting (Bright when outside and shadowy when inside). 

Name of Song: I don't care by Violent Vira

Cams: Tracking shot, medium long shot x2, medium close up x2, medium shot, low angle, Pan and long shots. These are the different types of cams which take place in the video.

Editing: Cutaway and Jumpcut. There isn't many editing due to it mostly having Jumpcut's with flashbacks. 

Sound: Non-Diegetic sound through the entire video. 

Mis-En-Scene: Costume (Wedding dress/wear), Set (chapel area and piano), Makeup (blood on face), and Lighting (Dim)


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