Research and Planning Blog

 For my commercial project to start off. Finding photos would be slightly difficult as there are so many to choose from. First, I would look for the ones that represent me the most, especially throughout my life. Since the idea is about me, I should choose ones which represent the most of me as I move forward in life. So, I will choose photos that show me growing up and what I gained at different ages in life. Then deciding between the ones that affected my growth the most. Compared to the one's which helped but weren't entirely necessary. In the end the left-over photos would be the top options and all I would have to do is choose which one I enjoyed the most. For the videos, I don't actually have a lot. But since there is a decent amount, I would have to look through each. Then I would choose whichever shows me as a person. Explaining what I've gone through with life, and who I am. I would also want the video to show how I got better and improved in life as well. Which would end with a few options left over, which would be easiest to pick from. Lastly the song, I like a lot of music. There are only few types of music I can take out like, country, maybe rap and few others. Some of the music I like wouldn't have some clean versions. So, then I would dismiss those.  After, listening and thinking over each song. I would pick out the ones which appeal to me the most. Then after looking over the appealing ones again. I would choose the one which represents me as a whole. Finally, I would be able to find the song which matches me and my life so far. How I have improved myself and got to place I am today. 


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