Production Blog- Is there anything troubling you?

 To produce a commercial about me, there was a lot of trouble choosing everything. This ranging from 4 photos, one song and three videos. And now I believe I can see the me that is shown. Obviously, it can't be all of me. Honestly that would be extremely long and temperamental. But for this commercial, it shows the best and what sticks out the most. Now all that's left would be the editing. How I want to transition. In which ways the videos, will play out. Making sure the song does not clash with the video throughout the recording. Allowing the commercial to flow smoothly without disturbance. Or issues such as glitching, blurring or bad sound. These are all things I need to continue worrying about. Afterall, it's a commercial about me and you would want to put yourself in the best possible light. In the end the song was definitely the hardest to pick. So far it has been slightly clashing with the vibe of the video. If I can't find a way to incorporate it, I may just have to change to a different one. From the list of five I had chosen before. There could be one with a calming effect that wouldn't disrupt anything. Which would allow everything to flow in a different direction. But that's a different option and so far, everything is fairly well. The video for swimming does slightly clash with the song I chose, so I might have to move the song around. In a way that can accommodate the video as well. 


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