Production Blog- Are you processing your brain waves?

 For looking through my swimming video. I need the best quality. Because it can't be slightly disordered or have any issues that may disrupt the video as well. I ended up going through about 10 videos. And having to take at least 5 more videos off the list. That now I'm stuck between the last few. Since some swimming videos are longer depending on the swim. I also wish the choose the videos which show my best swims as well. Me in the best light and also when I did my best. Swimming is a sport I've been in for more than half of my life. So to be able to show my best in it. Is what I need to ensure with these videos. So I can only hope that the final video I choose. Shows me in my best light at swimming. With that being said the pictures of me after the swim meet. Were slightly difficult to come across. In which it's a picture where I am alone. As most of my pictures have me with my teammates.. They have helped me progress but, this commercial is about me. An I don't feel its right to put someone's face up without their permission as well. So I've been looking for a photo with me alone. 


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